Due to unpredictable circumstances related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, our host, has issued a cancellation of all events. Given the uncertain timeframe for containment, the difficult decision has been made to cancel the NPAPW workshop, 21-23 April 2020, with full support from Internet2, GÉANT, NYSERNet, and the 2020 NPAPW Program Committee.


Tuesday, April 21st, 2020

Registration Opens (EMPAC Lobby)

Performing Arts and Advanced Networking 101 (EMPAC Studio 1)

Justin Trieger, New World Symphony

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Welcome

John Kolb, RPI CIO
Mary Simoni, RPI Dean, HASS
Ann Doyle, Internet2, Community Engagement

Technology Overview and Updates

LOLA – Claudio Allocchio, GARR UltraGrid – Miloš Liška, CESNET MVTP – Jiří Melnikov, CESNET JackTrip – TBD

Emerging Tech – TBD
Music Technology Presentations (EMPAC Studio 1)

Intimate Distance and a Wide Beat: Reflections on the Poetics and Politics of

Telematic Music

Michael Dessen, UC Irvine

Creating Online Musical Performance Environments Using Video Gaming Engines

and Technologies

Rob Hamilton, RPI

How to Carry Out a Large Scale Distance Performance, with Small Scale Manpower

Jesper Anderson, RDAM

Invited guest

Tania Lisboa, RCM

Open Rehearsal (multi-site performance: EMPAC Concert Hall) EMPAC Tour

Departs from EMPAC Lobby.

Multi-site Performances (EMPAC Concert Hall 1)

“Contemporary Conducting for Telematic Music,”

Stonybrook and RPI Sarah Weaver, NowNet Arts

“Tunin,” multi-site performance with RPI and University of Michigan

Rob Hamilton, RPI